
Que Empiece La Fiesta

Que Empiece La Fiesta

Que Empiece La Fiesta

Un rico constructor organiza, en su nueva residencia en el corazon de Roma, una fiesta que pasara a la historia como el acontecimiento mundano mas grande de la Republica italiana. Cocineros bulgaros, ojeadores negros reclutados en la estacion Termini, cirujanos esteticos, actrices, futbolistas, tigres, elefantes, el conocido escritor Fabrizio Ciba y las Bestias de Abadon, la desquiciada secta satanica de Oriolo Romano, son algunos de los protagonistas de esta disparatada comedia humana que retrata los vicios y las pocas virtudes de nuestra epoca. / A rich man who works in construction organises a party in his new residence in the heart of Rome that will go down in history as the greatest world event in the Republic of Italy. Bulgarian chefs, black talent scouts recruited in Termini station, plastic surgeons, actresses, footballers, tigers, elephants, the well known author Fabrizio Ciba and the Abadón Beasts, the unhinged satanic sect of Oriolo Romano, these are only some of the protagonists of this ridiculous human comedy that paints a portrait of the vices and lack of virtues of our era. A novel that you will not easily forget (Rafael Narbona, El Mundo). A bestial enjoyment, wild, laughter of the kind that will wake up the baby. Don´t miss out (Kiko Amat, La Vanguardia).
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Editorial Anagrama
Autor Niccolo Ammaniti
Paginas 336 PAGINAS

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