Patagonia Media

Patagonia History Of Patagonia (En Inglés)

Patagonia History Of Patagonia (En Inglés)
Patagonia Media

Patagonia History Of Patagonia (En Inglés)

The history of Patagonia writen by Jaime Said is an account of exploration, endurance, and survival. Covering three centuries since the Renaissance. The discovery of the straight of Magellan opened the West Southern route to the Indies weakening the monopoly of Venice over the spice islands. The discovery of the Beagle Channel by Robert Fitzroy, permited the voyage of the HMS Beagle with Charles Darwin. Earlier Privateers such as Sir Francis Drake and Thomas Cavendish sailed the southern seas of Patagonia on their encounter with the Spanish fleet. The geography in this book is treated with several maps, under the oficial boundaries and the history covers all of Patagonia, treating the area as one, including Argentina and Chile.
Solo quedan 7 unidades de este producto
Autor Jaime Said
Editorial Patagonia Media
Paginas 255

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